Saturday, June 28, 2008

tahoe livin

i've been back in tahoe for a few weeks now, livin the easy life. i absolutely love it. it's so easy to be happy. everyday is mellower than the next, and even with all the smoke from the 12339239745 forest fires, it is beautiful here.

i'm so grateful for everything in my life, every problem just seems so little when i think about it. every morning i wake up in a beautiful place, ride my bike down the road to work, chill in the sun all day doing my job, and then bike home to good friends and cold beers. i have my share of problems, but it is so easy to just overlook all that and enjoy life!
any issue that comes up in needs to be solved or forgotten, simple as that! if there is nothing to be done, accept and embrace it and move on.

true, there may be more to life than enjoying people, nature, and beverages.... but whatever. ill cross that bridge when i come to it.


Monday, June 2, 2008

So much more..

I spent the day with a friends brother.  We had lunch and drove up half a mountain. As soon as I left the car I felt the need to run. Although my metal leg kept me from doing this. The experience sparked something inside. 

I love Tahoe
I love drinking
I love partying
I love knowing enough people to party every night

Maybe just maybe im wrong maybe there is something greater I am supposed to accomplish. Maybe I need to run from Tahoe.
